Friday, June 27, 2008

Hey Everyone!
Just wanted to touch base and let you all know I am doing well. Have had a few annoying side effects from the new medication I've been on, and will skip the Avastin treatment today so that I can get a colonoscopy in sometime soon.(I am NOT looking forward to that!!) What fun that will be! LOL! I think I'd trade the infusion treatment any day for that one. I'll keep you posted on the outcome~haha

Just wanted to post this link: I read this blog everyday and have learned so much from it. It makes me realize that I'm not the only one dealing with stuff. I am so very thankful for every day and all the good things in them~

Hugs to all!


Grace said...

glad to hear you sound so upbeat, My DD has had several colonoscopies and she says they are a piece of cake!!! Hope you feel the same after yours

LiLiplace said...

i like the photo:)