Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I have neglected to keep this up lately, so I thought I would give you an update. I've been keeping up with everyone else's blog posts though!

Had another CT scan last Tuesday, and met with the dr. on Wed. My scans showed no spread to my organs or bones (good news!) but my lymph nodes in my abdominal/pelvic area have shown some growth (bad news). So my dr. is changing up the meds a little, adding another to the mix, reducing the dosage of Tykerb, also because it is irritating my liver. I had really hoped for NED! So I've felt sort of down about this, but at least there seems to be some other options. If you only knew how tired I am running from this beast! I'm sure all those out there fighting feel the same way. You think you get to a point of trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it grows dim again! Overall, I can't really complain, I have felt very good (with the exception of a few side effects), and I have been able to work every day. I've tried to stay busy scrapbooking with friends, knitting and watching my youngest son play baseball. Going for treatment has become part of my routine. Mentally it is very hard to block all this out every second of the day. At least it hasn't made me sick or kept me from doing what I want to do. So therefore, I'll just keep on keeping on until I can't go no more!!!

Today's thought: "If we stand and face the battle, we cannot lose the war."

More updates soon!
Hugs to all~

1 comment:

Bluebird49 said...

Oh, thanks for dropping by Knit/Pickin' and leaving a comment. I can't imagine the courage and the fortitude it takes to battle what you're battling. I am glad you're able to enjoy your crafts and that you're keeping the faith. There are so many wonderful verses for you to read, but no doubt, you've read them over more than I. Just know you're in my prayers!! I pray that you win the battles AND the war!