Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas 2008--My boys, Evan and Adam, and my sweet nephew Aidan

So sorry to be out of touch for so long! So much has gone on in the last few months. As of the last entry I made, I lost my job on 11-5, continued thru November on the clinical trial, ending up with some complications when I had the final biopsy. It has been a long road back, but I am finally feeling better. The mishap with the biopsy was not something anyone expected to happen, and was a rare thing, but I would have been more satisfied if I had hit the lottery. Since quitting the clinical trial, I am back with my oncologist, and back on weekly Abraxane treatments, and monthly Zometa since Dec. I'm starting to feel like I don't quite know where to go from here. I guess I should start on that "to do" list, for all the things I haven't had time to do when I was working.

Christmas was rather low key this year, as I hear it was for many. It wasn't a disappointment either. Everyone in my family understood each other's situation and we were able to enjoy our times together, without all the gift giving. I think it took alot of pressure off of everyone, because we still had good times together, and isn't that what it's all about? Maybe this will set a new tradition for us all keeping the real reason we celebrate in check.

Here's wishing everyone a HAPPY, HEALTHY NEW YEAR! I promise to be better on updating and will post more pictures! Thanks to everyone for all their prayers, love and support this past year!
Love to all~


Jennifer said...

Handsome boys---young men you have there. Glad you were able to have a good and less stressful holiday. And you are right. Christmas is about family-not gifts. Give me a call this week. Take care.

Bluebird49 said...

Leslie--it's good to see you back. I'm hoping things will go better for you now that the new year is here. I still want to go to your family's restaurant the next time we go down to the "head!

Grace said...

Your sons are such gorgeous young men!! Heard you had a visit with knitting group and Jennifer, you are always in my prayers!!